Book Checkout Procedures
Book Checkout
Kindergarten ~ 1 book every other week
Grade 1 ~ 1 book every other week at the beginning of the year & 2 books beginning mid year
Grade 2 ~ 2 books every other week
Books are on loan for 2 weeks and should always be returned on your child's library day. Students are allowed to renew a chapter book if they have not finished reading it. If students forget their book(s) on library day or if they are absent, they could come the next day at a designated time with their teacher's permission.
Overdue Materials
No fines are charged. However, new books may not be checked out until overdue books are returned.
Lost or Damaged Books
Lost books or books damaged beyond repair will need to be paid for before a student can resume checking out materials. If the book is found before the end of the school year and returned in good condition, your payment can be reimbursed.
Every class visits the Media Center once every other week. During their scheduled time, a lesson is presented that either teaches skills needed to utilize a library/media center or enhances your child's exposure to reading/books/genres/authors/series.