Children may be dropped off between 7:15 AM and 7:25 AM and must be picked up at 2:00 PM. Please do not drop off your child before 7:45 AM as adult supervision is not available before this time. Never leave your child unattended or drop them off at the front door without an adult present.
All pick-up and drop-offs before and after school hours are to be done at the BACK of the building. You may enter the back parking lot by turning right only off of 141st Street. IN THE INTEREST OF SAFETY, ALL VEHICLES MUST ENTER AND EXIT THE LOT WITH A RIGHT TURN ONLY. Cars must stay in a single file lane. Students must exit on the passenger side of the vehicle once the car has been met by an adult. Children will only be put in the back seat of the car. Once your child is out of the car, please do not pass the other vehicles. Do NOT park your car and get out. We need to keep the traffic flowing so it doesn’t back up.
Please do NOT let children out of the car until you see an adult. Adults will be outside according to the time on the school clock. If your child is late, you MUST come into the office and sign in your child. You must also come into the office for your child in the event you are late in picking them up. Please cooperate with our teachers who are out there to assist your child and maintain safety.
Per Illinois State Law, cell phone usage is strictly prohibited on school grounds and in all school zones while driving. Fines up to $300 may be incurred. For safety of our students and staff, please refrain from making phone calls, texting and talking on the phone while on school grounds.
Please send a letter if your child’s dismissal routine changes. We will NOT accept the word of a child. We need to have it in writing from a parent or a phone call, if it is an emergency! Do not call or email your teacher. They do not always have time during the day to check their messages or they may be out of the building. If calling the office, please call by 1:30 PM to ensure we can make the change for your child.
Students will be expected to maintain the same degree of orderliness and decorum as in school. All rules of reasonable conduct should be obeyed by students riding the buses in order to maintain their riding privileges. Video cameras are installed on all school buses. In the event of misbehavior, these videos will be viewed by school administration. Parents will be contacted. Bus privileges may be suspended at the discretion of the school. Consequences may also include an assigned seat. Please support us and explain to your child the extreme importance of STAY SEATED, TALK QUIETLY AND KEEPING YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF. Remember to always RESPECT ONE ANOTHER. Review these rules of safety with your child.
Every eligible child is assigned a bus route. You may only ride the bus that you are assigned to. Do not request for your child to ride home on a different route than what you were assigned. Please download the Ride360 app to get all information regarding your child's bus. The school does not always have the most updated information on bus location or status. The app is where this can be found.
All bus routes are coordinated through the district Transportation Office, (708) 364-3338. The Request for Change forms are available on the District 135 website.